The new module has been named ‘Keys Cafe’ and will bring a bunch of customisation features for the stock Samsung Keyboard app on your Galaxy smartphone. According to Samsung, the module will bring customisation settings including height and width adjustment along with key repositioning options. Moreover, you will get exciting themes to choose from for your keyboard. What really interested me however is that Samsung is trying to gamify typing. In order to improve people’s typing skills and help them reduce typos, Keys Cafe will bring a new feature that turns typing into something of a game. It will then provide scores and rankings based on your typing skills and the number of typos you make (or don’t make). I’m not sure if that particular gamification will actually help users get better, faster, or more accurate at typing. Plus we don’t know whether the feature will support languages other than English. Still, it should be an interesting feature to play around with, let’s see how well it works. Keys Cafe will be available in the “beginning of October”, according to Samsung. It will be available for phones running One UI 2.1 and above, and will require Samsung Keyboard version 5.1.05.