Today, Microsoft is announcing that it’s iPad Office apps now finally have trackpad support in iPadOS 14. This change applies to Microsoft 360 apps which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, and brings the iPad closer to being a fully capable computer, and not just a tablet. With trackpad support, navigation and operations within Microsoft’s supported apps will now become easier than ever before. Particularly in Microsoft Excel, where you can now select cell ranges with a trackpad or mouse. This was possible before this as well, but it was not as natural or intuitive as it will now be, courtesy of the trackpad. This also means that all the basic Office interactions, such as selecting and highlighting text, or resizing images in a presentation can also be performed with more natural trackpad gestures instead of touchscreen interactions. Microsoft is saying that the updates will be rolled out to all users in a few weeks, so in case you still don’t have trackpad support on Office apps, keep an eye out for new updates.