Does Apple No Longer Need Jony Ive Designs?

A recent report by The New York Times (citing two people close to the matter) suggests that Apple won’t renew the contract with Jony Ive, which is now coming to an end. To recall, when Ive left Apple in 2019, he entered a multi-year contract for more than $100 million, with Apple as its primary client.
The contract required Ive to not engage with clients deemed Apple’s competitors. It is said that this could have been the reason why Apple and Jony Ive decided to not extend the contract. The report states, “In recent weeks, with the contract coming up for renewal, the parties agreed not to extend it. Some Apple executives had questioned how much the company was paying Mr. Ive and had grown frustrated after several of its designers left to join Mr. Ive’s firm. And Mr. Ive wanted the freedom to take on clients without needing Apple’s clearance.“
One can also assume that the reason for Apple and Ive parting ways could possibly be due to the monotony seen with the recent Apple products. We can safely say that iPhone and even other Apple products haven’t done anything radical design-wise and lacks the excitement, which was once there when Apple products were launched. We may get to see some new design innovations too!
To recall, Jony Ive has been behind various Apple products like the colorful iMacs, iPads, iPod’s white earbuds, and even the Apple Watch. Ive will continue to work for hid firm LoveFrom, which he started three years ago, at the time he left Apple. It said that Airbnb and Ferrari will remain his clients. As for Apple, its chief operating officer, Jeff Williams will be looking into the design team. Industrial design will be led by Evans Hankey, while software design will be led by Alan Dye.
So, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think that Apple might do better in the design department now that Ive has left it forever? Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments below.